Thursday, 10 May 2012

Care Package

Dear Mum (and anyone else out there who is listening),

Please go on an Amazing Race to complete my 'Care Package' list!

If you are able to send the following... That would be awesome! But only what you can fit into an affordable package. Camera stuff is probably most important. Let me know if you need me to transfer some money into your account.

- Allen's snakes or Natural Confectionery snakes
- Garden seeds for Doreen's vege and herb garden (and so I can eat something other than rice, posho, plantain and beans)
- Hair colour
- Anti-breakage hair serum (this is actually for Doreen)
- Facial wax pen... Eleanor is going to look at photos of my eyebrows and have a freak out if I don't do something soon.
- SDHC Camera card. Mum... you can go to Camera House (Ramsay's??) or Camera World or Harvey Norman and tell them it is for a Canon Legria HG21 so must be a series 4 or 6...NOT 10 (these are references to speed). A 16g or 32g would be best if it doesn't cost you too much. I can put some money in your account
- Camera battery. I have one there somewhere but not sure where exactly... You need to go to Battery World and they may need to order it in as I don't think they would stock this battery anymore. I will email you soon with specifications.
- Any family friendly movies -- ie. Finding Nemo, Red Dog, Summer Coda...



  1. hi amy,
    i can get the camera items and some dvd's happening. what's amazing race? how should i send them?

    1. Hi Ralph,

      You are a dead set legend :) Amazing Race is that show on television where couples go on an adventure race / treasure hunt around the world! I think Mum has posted the camera items and I have a friend coming to visit to deliver a camera card in person. The DVDs were just for Doreen, Valence and co. If you ever want to send any over to them, I'm sure they'd appreciate them! We have been watching a couple on my laptop :)

      Can't wait to catch up soon. Thanks for checking out the blog!

