Sunday, 12 August 2012


You know those moments when people keep saying "You should write a blog"... and you think about it, and then you don't, and then it's too late. Well I'm in Africa. And you're never too late for anything in Africa.

I'm not sure why I booked a ticket to Uganda. I'm not sure why Valence's email stood out to me from all the others. But as soon as I signed up to become the social media coordinator for the Youth Focus Africa Foundation, something pretty phenomenal happened. A man called Joseph Kony became a household name, people suddenly had a clue where Uganda was, and the relationship between social media and non-government organisations in developing nations was scrutinised as much as the relationship between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. 

So, I promise I looked for Kony. I peeked under at least one banana leaf. But I couldn't find him. 

Instead, I found a nation full of gratitude. Of hope. Of beauty. Of exploitation. Of inequality. Of corruption. Of smiles. And of generosity.

These are the letters I have written to my grandmothers.

** For more photos from my trip and to connect with the Youth Focus Africa Foundation, please visit:

My Facebook site:
YOFAFO's Facebook site:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent ready Amy! I really liked your piece on running the Nile marathon, I had a similiar experience in East Timor so it's nice to have a kindred spirit in the beauty of running.
    Will you be in Uganda much longer?
